The Destination: Inspiration Mastermind

I'm Lisa Johnson,  I’m a business strategist who specialises in passive income and business models.

In just a few short years, I’ve gone from £30,000 in debt to a multi 7 figure launch in the middle of a global pandemic. I did it this without sacrificing my integrity, my private life, my health or my relationship with my family.


My manifesto has always been to enjoy the journey as much as the destination, and the lifestyle I have created allows me to do this.


I’ve taken part in numerous masterminds during my journey to where I am now. I’ve loved the hotseats and the incredible learnings and self development that these have instilled in me. I’ve also been on lots of different retreats and taken lots of group programmes and have loved my 1-1s too.


And so what I’ve created is a hybrid of the best parts of all of them!


is the first high level mastermind to fully incorporate every element, to become a truly ground breaking year long event. A perfectly balanced collection of 1 2 1s, retreats, live trainings, hot seats and a huge basket of bonuses that will blow your mind!


is a growth experience for entrepreneurs who have the desire, expertise and potential to grow


is your journey to inspiration, taking you to the destination where you and your business reach their potential.


Attitude and drive are the entrance criteria, not money in the bank. Because it’s not just about growing the bank balance, it’s about your personal growth. You will learn the skills you need to grow the business and uplevel your mindset, so that when you do see your profits soar in 2021, you are ready to deal with it.




Just to make it clear how much incredible content you get when you sign up, I’ve noted the value of each individual component next to it. Sure, it looks like a really luxury shopping list but I think here it’s worth highlighting how ridiculously comprehensive it is.


(Plus, talking about money is never a bad thing – this will 100% become a major part of your mindset as we move along with the mastermind.)


You’ll get a little something to welcome you in and celebrate your commitment to going all in for 2021!


I very rarely do 121s anymore, so this is a rare opportunity to have my undivided attention, my eyes squarely on your business, meaning we can work together to shape your growth and your vision and fully realise your potential.  We’ll talk strategy, business model and start to map it out

VALUE: £2,000


Focusing on systems and metrics. Which systems will work best for you and how to incorporate them into your business. This will get you thinking about how to create the most streamlined and efficient business model possible and what numbers you should be tracking.

VALUE: £2,000


One of the best things about having a community of entrepreneurs is the hive of knowledge they possess. Every month we’ll have a hot seat call so that those with business issues can take a hot seat and get help from the group as a whole, facilitated by me. What I’ve always loved about these calls is that I learn so much from other people’s problems and use them in my own business

VALUE: £8,000


Every month we’re going to focus on what you need. I’m not going to be bringing you more information for the sake of it because it’s all about implementation, but when you tell me what you need help with, then I’ll bring it in as a session and teach you what you need to know. This could be from launching to sales or anything in between and if it’s not my area of speciality, I’ll bring in the best people to teach you instead from my little black book of high end 7 and 8 figure entrepreneurs.

VALUE: £7,000


You did notice it’s called Destination : Inspiration right?


These will be the real deal. Inspirational speakers, workshops, Q and A sessions, group learning sessions, champagne, sunshine. (Why I put those two items last I will never know!)


The power of in person meet ups cannot be over emphasised. The dynamic of a group of exceptional entrepreneurs feeding off each other, and having each other’s backs is something I wish I could bottle. (New passive income stream maybe?)


Having these meet ups in gorgeous locations, one in Europe and one international only fuels the creative fires because if you want to uplevel your life, you need to act like you’re already living it.

(NB Flights and accommodation not included, but access to all speakers/trainings/dinners/surprises is!)

VALUE: £10,000


The amazing Abigail Horne is the creative genius behind Authors & Co, who bridge the gap between traditional publishing and self-publishing.


Since 2017 Abi has been sharing her “Partnership Publishing”, offering authors all of the incredible professionalism and support of Traditional Publishing whilst retaining all of the royalties, rights and creative control of Self-Publishing.


As part of Destination : Inspiration you qualify for Abi’s full, ultimate experience package. If a book to raise your profile and impact more people has always been on the bucket list, we have you covered.


She will take you from concept to creation with expert guidance and an abundance of creativity.

You will enjoy accountability and regular 1:1 virtual coffee catch-ups with a strategic plan to write the book that is right for your brand.



Your experience includes:


•          Blueprint Planning Session

•          Marketing Planning Session

•          Accountability & Guidance Sessions

•          Complimentary Access to Authors Academy online training suite

•          An Authors & Co official ISBN

•          Proof read and correction of your final draft manuscript

•          Professional Formatting

•          Bespoke Book Cover Design & Marketing Graphics Pack

•          Publication of a paperback & Kindle edition of your book.

•          Publication of a beautiful Hardback edition of your book complete with Jacket.

•          Amazon Bestseller Review & Positioning in preparation for your launch.


I could genuinely go on and on and on about Abi and the way she goes about her business, but the fact that she is here, with me in this Mastermind is proof enough. Her “nothing is too much trouble” approach is legendary.


She’s also a very lovely human being. And she is totally epic at what she does! You want a bestseller, Abi is your guide.

VALUE: £8,000



Now, I wanted to be comprehensive – I think I mentioned that! I want every element of your learning to be relevant, practical and 100% implementable. I want your journey to your full potential to be comfortable, informative and inspirational.


I want you to nurture and grow your mindset and your confidence as well as your bottom line.


Because one without the other will not lead to satisfaction and you fully appreciating your true self worth.


So, we’re not stopping with the awesome package I listed above.


Nope. So, here’s your list of bonus items for 2021 (Prices included - you get the picture by now right?)



You will get a sales page written by my very own in house copywriter, who has been responsible for the copy behind my multi 7 figure launch, and numerous other multi 6 figure launches across a whole spectrum of markets.

VALUE: £1,000

The sales page will also be built out to look amazing in whatever system you already use by my fabulous tech partner so that it looks good and works brilliantly.

VALUE: £1,000

You will gain access to all of my programmes. Yes ALL of them. These include

One to Many, my exclusive, in depth introduction to creating Passive and Semi Passive income streams and smashing that whole “More profits has to equal working more hours” myth.


Fabulous Foundations, my group coaching course including video sessions on all those business basics you might have overlooked with workbooks to get building the right foundations.


You’ll also get Challenge Genius, my ultimate 4 part challenge launch training, Email 101 bundle to help you start building your email list, my affiliate behind the scenes training of my $2m launch and any other training I bring out during your time in the mastermind.

VALUE: at least £5,000

Oh, and I’ve just bought a gorgeous little 2 bed getaway in the quintessentially English, picture perfect town of Stamford. (Regularly named as the most picturesque and best in town to live in England, and also where I grew up. But that’s unlikely to be the reason people flock there!)


Anyway, you will get the opportunity to stay here for a couple of days to really nail that book idea, or just recharge, refresh and re discover your mojo! (Or refill your wine glass.)


I’ll hand you the keys and you can either go chill out on your own or with one of your mastermind buddies. Because this place oozes inspiration and that’s what it’s all about.

VALUE: at least £1,000



TOTAL VALUE: £45,000

Ok, so, £45k’s worth of value, and you know there will be more surprises on the way because that’s just how I roll! But let’s say £45k as our starting point.


What would you say if I told you that you get access to ALL OF THIS for £1,500 a month or a one off payment of £15k?


Well I am telling you that!

COST: £1,500 PER MONTH OR £15,000 PAY IN FULL 

So, you’ll be paying less than a third of the market value of everything

that is included.



Destination : Inspiration is a one year programme, split into 90 day stints.

I have set it up in this way because I want you to stay energised and motivated. You will be setting yourself targets and goals at the start of every 90 day period, and believe me, I will be monitoring your progress all the way. I am not a “hands off” coach. Yes, I will share your frustrations and challenges completely, but I will also push you.

I mentioned earlier that it’s not the size of your bank balance or the turnover of your business that will make you the perfect fit. Of course, you will need to be dedicated and confident that you can grow yourself and your business to the next level and beyond.

I have spent hundreds of thousands on coaching, some amazing, some ok and some, well, pretty awful TBH but every course, every mastermind, every seminar I have attended has helped shaped me. It’s taught me what is good and what is not so good, and how to sell and teach others to sell without losing my integrity.

I often felt frustrated when I was growing my business that courses that looked excellent had an “earnings related entrance criteria”. Throughout every stage of my own journey the one ever present outgoing for me has always been investing in learning and developing myself, and I always wanted to create a high level learning space where entry was based on attitude, application and this. A fierce determination. Because that is precisely why I am where I am today.


Imagine where you could be in a year’s time if you fully decided to go all-in and invest in yourself and your future. That’s the destination I want to help you get to.

And the reason I am now able to teach is because I never stop learning.

So, joining Destination: Inspiration is by application only and spaces are limited.


Application will initially be by the form below, and we will be in touch with the next steps be it to move forward or to discuss how to get ready to join the mastermind at a later date. 




And more than that, it has the potential to be something life changing.


We hear of masterminds after masterminds that are the same old, re-hashed versions of each other. Well now is the time to move on, to take the first steps of your journey to the destination that will inspire you to grow your business, and yourself, to the next level.


When does the mastermind start and finish?

This is a rolling year long commitment, so no start and end dates, we accept the right people at the right time for them.

What if I'm not based in the UK?

What if I can't make the live sessions?

How long do I have access to the materials?

What format is the content delivered in?

Is this mastermind just for women?



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